Successful Shipment of Triple Pass Rotary Dryer

Our three cylinder drum dryer was successfully shipped this week. It is 3.8 meters in diameter and 13 meters in length. The three pass drum dryer is customized completely according to the customer’s needs.

rotary dryer delivery

The triple pass rotary dryer is specially designed on the basis of single-cylinder drying equipment and three-cylinder drying technology. The drying device consists of three layers: inner cylinder, middle cylinder and outer cylinder. Combined with sealing, heat preservation and reasonable supporting measures, the production capacity of three cylinder dryer is greatly improved compared with the original single cylinder dryer, and the thermal efficiency is significantly improved.
With small floor area and convenient operation, the three drum rotary dryer is widely applied in agricultural, building materials, chemical industry, and other industries. The three drum rotary dryer is suitable for drying wood shavings, wood chips, sawdust, rice husk, tea, herbal medicine, forage grass, marigold, fruit residue, sand, etc.

Three Drum Dryer Machine Delivery Site

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